Previous work done in Egypt related to Greening the Sector: 7 Diagnostic and background studies were identified for the waste sector 3 National Strategies and policies for the sector have been issued since 2014. Laws and regulations relevant to the sector are listed 1 Strategic plan for the sector was issued in 20176 Major projects addressing greening the urban development sector have been identified, two of which address pollution abatement and 1 addresses climate change. 0 1. Diagnostic Studies Title & Link Authors & Sponsors Date Remarks Natural capital accounts: Waste accounts for Egypt Author: David Bain, World Bank Consultant (Expert Group Meeting on Resource Efficiency: Monitoring progress on SDG12) 2020 This presentation offers background information on the waste sector in Egypt as well as information on the challenges and concerns facing the waste sector, the role of the Waste Management Regulatory Authority, current observations on solid waste management, and it offers a case study for the Red Sea Governorate. Behavioural Analysis of Single-use Plastic Consumption in Cairo Published by: Ain Shams University (ASU) and University of Stuttgart Author: Laura María Diaz Ospina 2020 This masters thesis investigates the factors influencing the current behaviour use of single-use plastic bags and factors that might encourage pro-environmental behaviour change. H2020/NAP indicator assessment Waste – Egypt Published by: European Environment Agency (EEA) Local partners: Ministry of the Environment 2020 This study offers an overview of the waste management sector in Egypt and assesses the waste management system performance. Feasibility study for a SWM project in Qena Governorate Funded by: KFW Development Bank Contracted by: Kafr el sheikh Governorate Consultants: Consortium of IGIP – IU – RODECO – ALDAR 2007 The objective of this feasibility study is to lay out the technical, institutional and economic design of the project and to assess its operational feasibility and risks. Annual Report for Solid Waste Management in Egypt Published by: Ministry of the Environment (NSWMP) Prepared by: New center for Integrated studies of Land & Environment With Support of: German Cooperation Implemented by: GIZ 2013 The emphasis of the report is to shape SWM service delivery (waste generation and composition, street cleaning, collection, recycling, treatment and disposal) and to signal the range of different situations in Egypt. The report focuses on MSWM with all the compulsory details to be particularized. Other waste streams are verified in terms of quantity, collection, treatment and disposal activities, in addition to the specific institutional arrangements. Cairo Solid Waste Management – Prefeasibility Study Commissioned by: EBRD Prepared by: Ricardo Energy and Environment In cooperation with: New Center for Integrated Studies of Land and Environment 2016 This feasibility study intends to form the basis for developing an indicative priority investment programme for the Cairo Governorate with respect to solid waste management systems, policies and services. Feasibility study for a SWM project in Kafr el Sheikh Governorate Funded by: KFW Development Bank Contracted by: Kafr el sheikh Governorate Consultants: Consortium of IGIP – IU – RODECO – ALDAR 2007 The objective of this feasibility study is to lay out the technical, institutional and economic design of the project and to assess its operational feasibility and risks. 2. Strategies and Policies Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks National Strategy for Integrated Municipal Solid Waste ManagementFramework for action The goal of the national integrated municipal solid waste strategy is to establish an integrated municipal solid waste management system based on national legislation, regulations, standards, and guidelines and an infrastructure to provide an effective and sustainable system for managing municipal solid waste in a manner to protect public health and environmental quality.National Strategy for Agricultural Residues ManagementPublished by: Ministry of Environment, WMRA(Part of NSWMP)Implemented by: GIZConsultant: Dr. Dalia Nakhla2019This document presents the agriculture residues management strategy for 2030 which is a component of the national strategy for solid waste management and is in line with Egypt vision 2030.Egyptian National Solid Waste Management PolicyPublished by: Ministry of Environment, EEAAPrepared by: NSWMPWith support from: German CooperationImplemented by: GIZ2014This policy defines the basic framework of the sector and was prepared in line with the Egypt vision 2030. It represents a basis for a series of integrated measures aiming at holistic and sustainable reform and regulation of the Egyptian SWM sector. 3. Regulatory Framework Gap 4. Plans (sectoral, sub-sectoral and regional) Programs and Projects Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Strategic Plan for Integrated Solid Waste ManagementPublished by: Ministry of the Environment(Not available online)2017The SP-ISWM targets action over a 5-year period from 2017-2022, and covers the major solid waste types and fractions generated across the Arab Republic of Egypt. 5. Identified Programs and Projects Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks National Solid Waste Management Program (NSWMP)Main Report (2011)PublicationsFunded by: The programme is co-financed by national (30%) and international (70%) funding institutions: Ministry of Environment, EU, German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Bank for Reconstruction (KfW) and GIZ, SECO (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs)2012- 2022NSWMP was initially launched in 2012 under the Ministry of Environment. It supports the Waste Management Regulatory Authority (WMRA) and establishing a sustainable and integrated solid waste management system in four governorates (Kafr El Sheikh- Gharbeya- Assiut- Quena).Improved Management of E-waste and Healthcare Waste to Reduce Emissions of Unintentionally Produced POPs (UPOPs)Funded by: GEFImplementing Agencies: The World Bank2021This project does a deep dive intervention on e-wastes and healthcare wastes as part of a larger World Bank project on air pollution, and carbon emissions mitigation in Cairo initiated in 2020.Sustainable Persistent Organic Pollutants Management ProjectFunded by: GEFImplementing Agencies: The World BankExecuting Agency: EEAA2014The project development objective is to demonstrate the improved management and disposal of targeted POPs stockpiles and PCBs in an environmentally sound and cost-effective manner.Protect Human Health and the Environment from Unintentional Releases of POPs Originating from Incineration and Open Burning of Health Care- and Electronic-waste Funded by: GEFImplementing Agency: UNDPExecuting Entity/Implementing Partner: Ministry of the State Environmental Affairs/ Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency -Ministry of Health and Population2014The project objective is to prevent and reduce health and environmental risks related toPOPs and harmful chemicals through their release reduction achieved by provision of an integrated institutional and regulatory framework covering environmentally sound Health Care Waste and E-waste management. 6. Resource Efficiency Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks How tech is helping Egypt’s informal recyclers build a circular economyPublished by: World Economic ForumAuthor: Laila Iskandar2021The task ahead for companies, governments and consumers to deliver on the dream of a truly circular economy is certainly formidable. National Solid Waste Management Programme (NSWMP)Funded by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)2019 – 2022The project is focusing on Improving waste management in EgyptThe population of Egypt benefits from improvements in the waste management system. The private sector is involved in the relevant processes. Protection of resources, water bodies and the climate has improved.Roadmap for Scaling up Resource Efficiency Funded by: SwitchMed Programme is funded by the European Union2018This integrated study showed the potential of resource efficiency on waste to energy, waste management and water and energy savings sectors. Besides that measuring the support and encourage of eco-innovation of waste management.Egypt’s Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities in Textiles, Plastics and CementPublished by: Alternative Policy Solutions2021Addressing the challenges of waste management including reforms of cross-cutting resource governance, sustainable implementation of funded projects to ensure the their sustainability after finishing the funding budget.Healthcare Hazardous Waste Management Project system in Dakahaleya Governorate – Implementation ConsultancyFunded by: Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) – Swiss Fund2018Resource efficiency depends on staffing training The overall objective of this project is to provide the health facility staff and the population of Dakahleya Governorate with an efficient and sustainably functioning healthcare waste management (HCWM) system. This project is intended to serve as a model that lends itself to being replicated throughout other Governorates in Egypt in order to upgrade similar systems (whether fully or partially depending on the local conditions).Acceleration Programme for High Potential Waste Management BusinessesFunded by: EIU/GIZ/SBWMImplemented by Egyptian National Solid Waste Management Programme (NSWMP)2018-2019The acceleration programme offering a wide range of acceleration services covering business and technical trainings, mentorship and coaching from industry experts both national as international, legal advice, and access to finance support with the objective to scale the growth of 15-20 high potential waste management businesses (WMBs) in Egypt.Detailed Engineering Services for 15th May Sanitary LandfillPublished by: Cairo Cleaning and Beautification Authority2006-2007Preparing preliminary and detailed final designs for landfill area, which includes: 7 disposal cells, leachate collection and treatment system, gas collection system, and storage area of daily covering material, infrastructure, utilities, and support facilitiesIndustrial Waste Mapping and Design of Waste Exchange SystemFunded by: AFDB2015-2016The project aims at mapping of industrial waste in 10th of Ramadan industrial zone as well as design and implementation of waste exchange system. The project involves surveying 400 factories coupled with analysis to determine the types , amounts and value of waste generated in the 10th of Ramadan complex and the potential of exchanging this waste among the factories and third parties. An online system and on ground activities will be designed to set and launch the first waste exchange system in Egypt. The project includes providing 400 factories with a green package which helps them compare their material, water and energy intensity with international averages and best practices.Waste Converter PlantFunded by: GIZ Water Management Reform Programme2014-2015This study aimed at conducting a feasibility study for a “waste converter plant” as a possible solution for managing solid and organic waste in irrigation canals part of the Integrated Water Management District of Mahmoudia. This is a promising and efficient solution to waste problems as well as an innovative approach to achieving development objectives in Egypt. The study provided technology transferability and assessment, feasibility assessment, and development of a project implementation plan. 7. Pollution Abatement Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Integrating Environmental Considerations in Five Priority Sectors in EgyptRegional-Governance and Knowledge Generation ProjectFunded by: GEFPublished by: Plan BleuIn cooperation with: Ministry of the Environment2016This document is intended to provide a framework for integrating environmental considerations in five key sectors: Water, Agriculture, Energy, Human Settlements, and Solid Waste. The main criteria for the selection of the sectors identified for this study are the importance of these sectors for Egypt and the priority given by the Government to them.Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change ProjectFunded by: The World BankImplementing Agency: Ministry of Environment 2021This project supports Egypt’s efforts to reduce air and climate pollution from critical sectors and to increase resilience to air pollution in Greater Cairo. The project will focus on reducing vehicle emissions, improving the management of solid waste, and strengthening the air and climate decision-making system. 8. Climate Change Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change ProjectFunded by: The World BankImplementing Agency: Ministry of Environment 2021This project supports Egypt’s efforts to reduce air and climate pollution from critical sectors and to increase resilience to air pollution in Greater Cairo. The project will focus on reducing vehicle emissions, improving the management of solid waste, and strengthening the air and climate decision-making system. 9. Monitoring and Evaluation Gap 10. Other Related Studies Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Extended ProducerResponsibility Scheme forPackaging Waste in EgyptPublished by: GIZIn cooperation with: Ministry of Environment, WMRA, NSWMPConsultant: Black Forest Solutions2020The aim of this report is to develop the institutional set up for an EPR scheme for packaging waste in Egypt under the draft waste framework law, with respect to the roles and responsibilities of both the public and private stakeholders, the required local infrastructure, and a roadmap of implementing the EPR scheme in a pilot area (a set tourist area along the Red Sea) and its expansion plan at national level.Economic Aspects of the Informal Sector in Solid Waste ManagementPublished by: GIZFunding: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GmbH) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Collaborative Working Group on Solid Waste Management in Low- andMiddle-Income Countries (CWG) on behalf of DGIS (Netherlands Agency for International Cooperationof the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).2010This document presents the results of the study entitled “Economic Aspects of the Informal Sector in Solid Waste Management” which focuses on analysing informal economic activities in two closely related sub-sectors, the informal service sector, and the informal valorisation sector. The main purpose of the study is to inform policymaking related to upgrading and modernising solid waste systems in low- and middle-income countriesSustainability of e-waste Management: Egypt case studyPublished by: AUCAuthor: Ahmed Tarek Mohamed (Masters Thesis)2019This thesis investigates the current situationof e-waste in Egypt through interviews with major stakeholders in the sector as well as aQuestionnaire and proposes an adapted guideline for the sustainable management ofe-waste in Egypt.The Reform of Solid Waste Management in Cairo: Lessons Learned from International ModelsPublished by: AUCAuthor: Hoda El Mahdy (Masters Thesis)2016This study explores the reason for the dysfunction in Cairo’s SMW system and accordingly devises operational reform recommendations.Good Governance and Integration for Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management: A Case Study of EgyptPublished by: AUCAuthor: Randa El Masry (Masters Thesis)2019The purpose of this thesis is to try to comprehend the reasons behind the failure of the current MSWM in Egypt, and to pin point the factors that would lead to better system which will pave the way towards system’s sustainability.ورقة سد الفجوات القضية البحثية “الإدارة المتكاملة للمخلفات الصلبة”إعــداد: أحمد جابر وسوسن بكر2019تتناول هذه الورقة البحثية قضية الإدارة المتكاملة والمستدامة للمخلفات الصلبة وهى إحدى القضايا الرئيسية التى رأت وزارة التخطيط والمتابعة والإصلاح الإدارى، بالتعاون مع فريق عمل مشروع إصلاح واستقرار الاقتصاد الكلى، أهمية دراستها وإدراجها وتضمينها في تحديث استراتيجية التنمية المستدامة: رؤية مصر 2030Evaluation of bioenergyresources in Egypt: case study for biogasproductionPublished by: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)Author: Moetaz Ahmed (Masters Thesis)2020This study aims to estimate the bioenergy potential from available biomass in Egypt, furthermore, studying the techno-economic analysis and the optimum size of biogas system: a case study for selected region in Egypt.Waste Management in MENA RegionsPublished by: SpringerBook Editor: Abdelazim M Negm, Noama Shareef2020The goal of this book is to demonstrate the waste management situation in several countries in the MENA region (Including Egypt) and to highlight some important experience and successful case studies which reflect waste managementchallenges and several waste management solutions in the MENA regionSustainable rural community: waste to business (W2B) model Published by: AUCAuthor: Hala Omar (Maters Thesis)2020The main goal of this research work is to develop and propose a concept to help rural communities in Egypt approach full utilization of all types of wastes generated.Guidelines for Greening the SWM Sector in the MENA RegionPublished by: GIZ in Cooperation with SWEEPNET2014This document is intended to provide guidelines for practitioners, policy and decision makers for greeningof the SWM sector with a view of generating economic activities and creating jobs.Report for the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) – Green Economy Published by: The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)Editors: Hussein Abaza, Najib Saad and Bashar Zeitoon 2011This report offers options of green economy in Arab countries in various sectors and represents the first phase of the AFED green economy initiative.Integrating Environmental Considerations in Five Priority Sectors in Egypt – Water, Energy, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Human Settlements, and Solid WastePublished by: Plan BleuLead Author: Hussein M. Abaza2016This document is intended to provide a framework for integrating environmental considerations in five key sectors in Egypt: Water, Agriculture, Energy, Human Settlements, and Solid Waste 11. Selected Published Research Work SerialSubjectAuthor and TitleJournalYear PublishedRemarksW01Egypt Informal RecyclingJaligot, Remi et al. “Applying value chain analysis to informal sector recycling: A case study of the Zabaleen”Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol. 1142016 W02Optimizing C&D waste transportationElshaboury, Nehal and Mohamed Marzouk. “Optimizing construction and demolition waste transportation for sustainable construction projects”Engineering, Construction andArchitectural Management, vol. 282021 W03Determinants to mitigate food losses in EgyptAbdelrahman Ali, et al. “Analysis of determinants to mitigate food losses and waste in the developing countries: empiricalevidence from Egypt.”Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 262021 W04MSW StrategiesAbdallah, Mohamed. “Characterization and sustainable management strategies of municipalsolid waste in Egypt”Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol. 222022 W05MSW StrategiesDr. Tarek M. AttiaTowards a National Strategy for C&D Waste Management in EgyptJournal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector2020 W06Treatment of SWMohamed Elfeki, Emil TkadlecDepartment of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Palacky, Czech RepublicTreatment of municipal organic solid waste in Egypt 2015 W07SWMMohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahima, Nanis Abd El Monem MohamedbTowards Sustainable Management of Solid Waste in EgyptProcedia Environmental Sciences2016 W08Construction WasteAhmed Osama Daoud, Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman, Herbert Robinson and Ali BayyatiAn Investigation into Solid Waste Problem in the Egyptian Construction Industry: A mini-reviewWaste Management and Research Journal2020 W09Construction WasteS.M. Elgizawy, K. Nassar, S.M. El-HaggarQuantification of Construction Waste: Egypt Case Study4th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management2016 W10Solid Waste ManagementS. Hemidat et al. “Solid Waste Management in the Context of a Circular Economy in the MENA Region”Sustainability, vol. 142021