GE World A guidebook to the Green Economy – Issue 1: Green Economy, Green Growth, and Low-Carbon Development – history, definitions and a guide to recent publications This document provides an overview of recent literature on ‘Green Economy’ and the related concepts of ‘Green Growth’ and ‘Low‐Carbon Development’ (and other variations such as low‐emissions development or low‐carbon growth). The overview provides a brief history of these concepts and brings together recent publications from international organisations, think‐tanks, experts, political groups, governments, non‐government organisations and others, most of which are freely available on the Internet. Link A Guidebook to the Green Economy – Issue 2: exploring green economy principles This issue further ‘unpack’ or ‘demystify’ the green economy concept by moving beyond the simple definitions of green economy and providing a brief overview of several sets of green economy principles that were published in the lead up to Rio+20. The document also compares these sets of principles against the language adopted on green economy in the Rio+20 outcome document as well as the original Rio Principles on sustainable development that were agreed to by governments at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. In doing so, it explores the emergence of a more balanced understanding of green economy that integrates all dimensions of sustainable development and highlights some common guiding principles. Link Green Growth and Developing Countries This document explores green economy concepts from developing countries perspective. It looks at developing countries’ views and concerns about the concept of green growth. It outlines the key components of a green growth framework that could address the growth and development challenges faced by developing countries and avoid locking in inefficient, costly and environmentally damaging technology and infrastructure. Link GREEN ECONOMY IN ACTION: Articles and Excerpts that Illustrate Green Economy and Sustainable Development Efforts The main objective of this document is to make available for those interested and involved in Green Economy and sustainable development-related activities a sample of the latest developments and information on the subject. Link Toward Green Growth in Mediterranean Countries The objective of this report is to share sustainable economic options with decision makers and to present evidence from recent experiences in Mediterranean countries that green growth presents an outstanding opportunity to create good jobs and promote social cohesion. Link Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication – A Synthesis for Policy Makers The main objective of this document is to make available for those interested and involved in Green Economy and sustainable development-related activities a sample of the latest developments and information on the subject. Link Introduction to Green Economy – Background Paper on Green Economy Concepts This paper is based on content developed by UNITAR for its e-learning course “Introduction to a Green Economy: Concepts and Applications”. The material has been complemented with content considered relevant for the EC green economy training course. Link