Previous Work Done in Egypt Related to Greening the Industrial Sector: An Urban Transport Strategy for Cairo study was issued in 20062 Master Plans for Greater Cairo and for Egypt in addition to and urban mobility plan for 6th of October city were issued between 2002-2021 4 Major projects in the transport sector have been identified 0 1. Diagnostic Studies Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Evaluating the Sustainable Green Seaports (SGP) in Egypt: Case Study of Alexandria and Eldekhila SeaportsPublished by: Journal of Alexandria University for Administrative SciencesAuthors: Sobhy Mostafa Mohamed & Dr. May Salah Eldine2020The aim of this research is to evaluate the main problems faced by Egyptian portstoward applying the SGP concept and to determine the needed requirements by theEgyptian ports to be a SGP.Data, Transportation,and Urban Planning in EgyptPublished by: AUCMandated by: The International Development Research Center (IDRC)Prepared by: Nagla Rizk & Noor Amr2016This background study provides an overview of non-traditional transportation services, tripplanning applications, and developmental initiatives in Egypt.The Mobility Transitionin the MENA RegionComparative Policy PerspectivesPublished by: Friedrich Ebert StiftungAuthors: Ali Attari, Ronja Schiffer, Mohamed Hegazy Hazem Zureiqat, Rami Semaan Prof. Sameer Abu-Eisheh2020This study summarizes and analyses four comparative case studies from four countries in the MENA region on the status and prospects of a just and sustainable mobility transition. 2. Strategies and Policies Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Greater Cairo: A Proposed Urban Transport StrategyPublished by: The World BankIn cooperation with: Transport Ministry, the Ministry of Housing, Utilities & Urban Development, the General Organization of Physical Planning; and the three Governorates of Cairo, Giza, and Qalyobiya2006The objective of this strategy is to provide an assessment of the urban transport system in GC, identify what now appear to be the most pressing urban transport problems, and propose a framework for urgent policy actions and investment priorities that would be the basis of a formal transport strategy to be adopted and implemented.Egypt’s Policies For Sustainable TransportAuthor: Mr. Essam Hassan Mohamed Ahmed Consultant, Climate Change Central Department Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA)2015This presentation gives an overview of policies for sustainable transport in EgyptPolicy reforms that were implemented to Promote EnergyEfficiency in the Transportation SectorPublished by: UN Economic and Social Commission for Western AsiaAuthor: Hamed Korkor, PhD Energy & Environment Consultant2014This paper highlights some of the most important energy policy reforms that have been performed in the transport sector in Egypt during the last few decades in order to develop energy efficiency and air quality improvements projects. 3. Regulatory Framework Gap 4. Plans (sectoral, sub-sectoral and regional) Programs and Projects Gap 5. Identified Programs and Projects Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Transportation Master Plan and Feasibility Study of Urban Transport Projects inGreater Cairo Region inthe Arab Republic of EgyptFunded by: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)In cooperation with: Higher Committee for Greater Cairo Transportation PlanningConsultant: Pacific Consultants International (PCI)2002This plan compiles the results of the Study which was undertaken in Egypt from March 2001 through September 2002 and it compiles a Transport Master Plan based upon identification of present condition in order to contribute to the sustainable development in Greater Cairo Region.The Comprehensive Study on the Master Plan for Nationwide Transport System in the Arab Republic of Egypt Funded by: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)In cooperation with: Transport Planning Authority Ministry Of Transport Consultant: Oriental Consultants Company Limited2012This document offers a comprehensive Study on The Master Plan for Nationwide Transport System in the Arab Republic of Egypt (MiNTS – Misr National Transport Study).Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in 6th of OctoberPublished by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)Consultant: Transport for Cairo (TfC)In cooperation with: New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) nad Transport Regulatory Unit (TRU)2021This SUMP serves to meet the need for improved mobility of people in the 6th of October city and its surrounding areas, aiming for an integrated transportation system and a higher quality service.Sustainable Transport in EgyptProject Presentation Funded by: UNDP andGlobal Environment Facility (GEF)Implementing Partner: Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency2009The objective of the project is to reduce the growth of the energy consumption and the related GHG emissions of the transport sector in Egypt, while simultaneously mitigating the local environmental and other problems of increasing traffic such as deteriorated urban air quality and congestionUrban Transport Infrastructure Framework EgyptFunded by: European Investment BankIn cooperation with: National Authority for tunnels2020The aim of the project is to finance large public transport projects in the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Egypt, over the next 5 years, in particular investments in the rehabilitation and expansion of metro and tram systems in Alexandria and Cairo.Vehicle Scrapping and Recycling Program (Page 11)Private sector partners: five vehicles dealers, four commercial banks and one insurance company.2009This national program aims at reducing GHGs emissions and air pollution associated with aging taxi vehicles in Greater Cairo.Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change ProjectAnother LinkFunded by: The World BankImplementing Agency: Ministry of Environment 2021This project supports Egypt’s efforts to reduce air and climate pollution from critical sectors and to increase resilience to air pollution in Greater Cairo. The project will focus on reducing vehicle emissions, improving the management of solid waste, and strengthening the air and climate decision-making system.Railway Improvement and Safety for Egypt Project (RISE) for Railway Corridor Alexandria – Nag Hammadi ProjectFunded by: The World BankConsultant: Integral ConsultLocal Agency: Egyptian Railways2020This document presents and environmental and social assessment for the RISE project with the objective of ensuring that potential environmental and social risks and impacts associated with the construction and operation of the proposed project are identified, assessed, avoided, minimized and mitigated through an environmental and social management plan. 6. Resource Efficiency Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Sustainable TransportFunded by: GEFImplementing Agency: UNDPExecutive partner: EEAA 2009-2021The project aims to reduce the growth of the energy consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions of the transport sector in Egypt. It also works on the mitigation of the local environmental and other problems of increasing traffic such as deteriorated urban air quality and congestion. In this respect, it addresses four outcomes: new, integrated public transport services for Cairo, Modal Share of non – motorized transport in small and middle size provincial cities, introduction of the Transport Demand Management, Improved Energy Efficiency of Freight Transport and enhanced awareness and capacity to promote sustainable transport sector development.Policy reforms to promote energy efficiency in the transportation sector Published by: ESCWAAuthor: Hamed Korkor This study presented how to allocate the resources in transport sector, which considered as one of the main drivers for social and economic development in Egypt.Sustainable Transport in Egypt: Progress, Prospects and PartnershipsPublished by: CEDARE, EEAAIn cooperation with: GFEI, EU, UNEP, FIA foundation, GEF, Pharaohs project, MIT, Softec, RDIP2016This workshop report included national agenda for sustainable transport in Egypt Pharos integrated eco-routing and fleet management systems project, and future/emerging concepts & technologies in sustainable transport. 7. Pollution Abatement Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change ProjectFunded by: The World BankImplementing Agency: Ministry of Environment 2021This project supports Egypt’s efforts to reduce air and climate pollution from critical sectors and to increase resilience to air pollution in Greater Cairo. The project will focus on reducing vehicle emissions, improving the management of solid waste, and strengthening the air and climate decision-making system.Regulating Traffic to reduce air pollution in Greater Cairo Published by: Economic Research ForumAuthors: Hala Abou-Ali and Alban Thomas2011This chapter examines transport mode choices and tries to evaluate the impact of trafficregulation on reducing suspended particulate matter (PM10). The empirical analysis is supported first by a demand analysis that builds upon household level data collected in Greater Cairo. 8. Climate Change Related Work Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change ProjectFunded by: The World BankImplementing Agency: Ministry of Environment 2021This project supports Egypt’s efforts to reduce air and climate pollution from critical sectors and to increase resilience to air pollution in Greater Cairo. The project will focus on reducing vehicle emissions, improving the management of solid waste, and strengthening the air and climate decision-making system. 9. Monitoring and Evaluation Gap 10. Other Related Studies Title & LinkAuthors & SponsorsDateRemarks Improvement of Urban Transportation: The Case of EgyptAuthor: Eng. Tarek Shalaby Director of CDM Department, EEAA Egyptian DNA-CDM Member2010This presentation discusses different options of improving urban transport in Egypt and gives an overview of the transport sector situation with respect to traffic and emissions.Sustainable UrbanMobility Plan in 6th of October – Phase 1Phase 2Published by: Friedrich Ebert StiftungIn cooperation with: Transport for Cairo, UN-HabitatLocal Agencies: New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) and Transport Regulatory Unit (TRU)Author: Abdelrahman Hegazy and Sara Abu Henedy2021The purpose of this project is to workon developing a Sustainable UrbanMobility Plan (SUMP) for the urbanagglomeration of 6th of October City. This Final Report combines the outputs of the SUMP planning process which started in August 2019 and continued through February 2020.Mainstreaming Electric Mobility in Egypt Published by: Friedrich Ebert StiftungIn cooperation with: CEDARE and Ministry of the EnvironmentAuthor: Dr. Ahmed El-Dorghamy2020This policy brief aims to consolidate the understanding of the current state of electric mobility in Egypt, focusing on on-road electric vehicles and associated infrastructure.Electric Mobility Opportunities and Challenges: A Case Study on Cairo, EgyptPublished by: The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)Authors: Authors Ali Habib, Maged Mahmoud2019This report offers a case study for Cairo regarding electric vehicles and the associated opportunities and challenges.Electricity SectorLiberalization in Egypt:Features, Challenges andOpportunities for Market IntegrationPublished by: King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC)Authors: Shahid Hasan, Turki Al-Aqeel and Hafez El Salmawy2020This study aims to assess the key issues affecting electricity market integration in Egypt to produce insights and policy recommendations that facilitate market integration. The research will examine the features of Egypt’s electricity market — including policy, legislation, regulation, market design, system operation and governance — with a view to identifying best practices and ways to foster efficient regional electricity tradeAccessibility Impact Analysis of New Public Transit Projects in Cairo, EgyptPublished by: Massachusetts Institute Of TechnologyAuthor: Adham Kalila (Masters Thesis)2019This thesis explores the locations of employment opportunities in the absence of official data and the accessibility of the population to these opportunities in the Greater Cairo Region in order to assess the different levels of accessibility to jobs by public transport and inform the priorities of future investment in public transport provision.The effects of elevated transportationinfrastructure on the urban environmentPublished by: Ain Shams UniversityAuthor: Sara Abu Henedy (Masters Thesis)2020The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of elevated transportation infrastructures on the urban environment in all its dimensions, environmental, social and physical, including mobility and transportation. The study also focuses on the impacts on urban travel behavior.Report for the Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED) – Green Economy Published by: The Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)Editors: Hussein Abaza, Najib Saad and Bashar Zeitoon 2011This report offers options of green economy in Arab countries in various sectors and represents the first phase of the AFED green economy initiative. 11. Selected Published Research Work SerialSubjectAuthor and TitleJournalYear PublishedRemarksTR01Transport and Energy consumptionSaidi, Samir, et al.“The Long-Run Relationships between Transport Energy Consumption, Transport Infrastructure, and Economic Growth in MENA Countries.”Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 1112018 TR02Strategies for controlling emissionsEl Mowafi, Samir A., and Ahmed Gamal Atalla. “Strategies for Controlling Mobile Emissions in Cairo.”Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 162005 TR03Modelling Towards Sustainable transportMahmoud, Moataz M. and Mahmood M. Abdel Kader. “AHP Modelling of User Preferences Towards Sustainable Transport In Egypt.”Assiout University Bulletin of Environment, Vol. 182015 TR04RWOT Optimization TechniqueEl-Amary, Noha H., et al. “A Reconfigured Whale Optimization Technique (RWOT) for Renewable Electrical Energy Optimal Scheduling Impact on Sustainable Development Applied to Damietta Seaport, Egypt.”Energies, vol. 112018 TR05Sustainable and green transportationAhmed, M. M. A., & Abd El Monem, N. “Sustainable and green transportation for better quality of life case study greater Cairo – Egypt”HBRC Journal, vol 162020 TR06Low emission carsAlaa Othman, et al. “Factors Influencing The Purchasing Decisions Of Low Emission Cars: Comparing Study Between Egypt And Slovenia”8th International conference on advanced materials and systems2020