BE World The Bioeconomy This document provides an overview of what is a bioeconomy and what are the drivers shaping it especially in the EU. Link Bioeconomy Concepts This chapter deals with the origin and evolution of the concept of the bioeconomy. It starts by tracing the first uses of the terms bioeconomics and bioeconomy and goes on to review the development of the concept of the “knowledge-based bioeconomy” in the European Union before discussing the rise of the bioeconomy as a global concept. This chapter also reviews the relations between the concept of the bioeconomy and the concepts of “sustainable development”, “green economy”, “circular economy” and “societal transformation”. Link The circular economy and the bioeconomy Partners in sustainability This document introduces the concepts of both the bioeconomy and the circular economy and explores possible synergies, tensions, gaps and trade-offs between the bio- and circular economies’ objectives and actions. Link Future transitions for the Bioeconomy towards Sustainable Development and a Climate-Neutral Economy This reports illustrates the concept and dimensions of bioeconomy from an EU perspective and discusses cross-cutting issues. The report also provides a synopsis of all EU bioeconomy drivers and trends for the normative assumption of a successful implementation of the sustainable, circular EU bioeconomy, not for a “business-as-usual” development. Link Towards Sustainable Bioeconomy – Lessons Learned from Case Studies This report offers lessons from 26 case studies of sustainable bioeconomy interventions from around the world and from a range of different sectors. The overall aim of the report is to use these case studies to expand the general understanding of sustainability in the context of the development of the bioeconomy. Link